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e ab einer Inzidenz von 100 vor

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Ihr Sparkassen Finanzteam

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Kein Link! lol

10 Jahre

Ursprünglich wollt ich ja nur ne lumpige Mail hacken und damit nachträglich gratulieren und dann dacht ich: “Wieso nicht gleich damit in den Blog?!” Voilà! ist ein sehr feiner, kleiner Podcast von 2en mit Chaos-Computer-Club-Verbindungen die neben nerdigen Themen auch überaus weltliches interessant besprechen und sich tolle Gäste dazuholen.

Vor 10 Jahren gabs die allererste von mittlerweile 47 Folgen.
Hier meine Mail:

Alles Gute! Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!!

Ich wünschte ich könnt mit ner gebloggten Retrospektive protzen aber da fehlt mir gerade der Saft.
Nicht müde werde ich hingegen von eurem Podcast zu schwärmen! Bei jeder sich bietenden Gelegenheit kommt mir irgendeine Folge in den Sinn …
Ach ja? Was wäre denn das? Ok ehh… Dann ma los:

#AmEnd freu ich mich schon einfach nochmal von vorne anzufangen, die ersten Folgen zu lauschen und zu sehen wie schön man das mit den aktuellen Geschehnissen ins Verhältnis setzen kann.

Sicher freue ich mich auch auf mehr, aber auch schon sehr über das, was da is. Bleibt bei bester Gesundheit!

song of the day: Com Truise – Hyperlips

Again from listening to the incretible Soma FM web radio station. But this time to their DEF CON channel! Awesome hacker/nerd/coding music as well!

I also listened to a lot of other songs from Com Truise. Here is his soundcloud page btw. What an output! But this one really got me like a real song of the day-song. Once more… Once more… Once more… Once more… 😌

Boulet – comic blogroll update

Damn! It’s been a while since I updated the blogroll! Of course when using a feed reader you don’t really think about this piece on you website so often. Would be great if its synced by default …. hmmmmm…

But however: There were a lot of things happening: got discontinued. It’s actually flagged as pron in our company! 😀 You see I really need to update the johnandjohn smileys again. Lunchbreath wasn’t even added and seems discontiuned as well. But I wouldn’t wanna miss any updates! Unbelievable that I never added xkcd here… standard nerd stuff :] …

Well check out the blogroll comic section —>
Let’s get to the real thing: Lots of comics are good for a chuckle. Often not even that but it’s worth the short while anyway. One comic I often find myself not clicking right away is The Bouletcorp. Because I know It’s gonna be more than just a click, chuckle, done. This guy has some comparably HUGE comics up his sleeve and know what: I’m always SO happy when I finally take the time to read one! No exception is the latest about an old french singer guy I never heard of. But it’s also about the love of space and science. Enjoy: Brassens In Space.


a2 – the first humble steps

My wannabe ac’tivAid replacement script framework a2 is finally getting some momentum!:

Still heavily wip! But at least now it actually does something!!
I also made an animated diagram to show how the a2 cycle rolls:
a2_layoutBut well, that’s probably not too obvious, is it? So first things first. Since I never posted about this:
What is this about!? ac’tivAid was already some kind of framework to put together Autohotkey scripts.

AutoHotkey (AHK) is a free, open-source macro-creation and automation software for Windows that allows users to automate repetitive tasks. It is driven by a scripting language that was initially aimed at providing keyboard shortcuts, otherwise known as hotkeys, that over time evolved into a full-fledged scripting language.

ac’tivAid bundled a whole bunch of those in one Autohotkey runtime and you could enable/disable them, make settings and all that. Why am I talking in past tense? You can still download latest ac’tivAid dev version from Michael Telgkamps homepage. It’s still kinda nice but things start to break and really nobody is maintaining it.

But fear not: I’m about to present you the future! :] on the github wiki I put together some of the goals:

  1. decoupled ui and runtime
  2. use of latest Autohotkey_L
  3. active open source development
  4. easier contributing, setup, better flexibility

And actually I tackled all of those points already to some extent. The ones that recently make me jump in circles out of coding excitement are the following:

  • new script creation (with meta data) and editing
  • support for global and context sensitive hotkeys
  • instant change of hotkeys

Next up: some improvements to the scope and hotkey setup, making sure there’s only one ui and one ahk-runtime at a time, implement setting variables (fields, checkboxes) and a looooot of security checks. Currently it’s super easy to blow yourself up. So it will take a wile until this can go puplic.

I’m really looking forward to making some videos on how to use and how to develop for it.

company lunch scribble round 1

Pretty humble update. But an update nonetheless! :]

As I hardly find time to take part in a digital speed painting round that a couple friends of mine are doing almost every week at a late evening I found it very accommodating that some co-workers were organising a lunch time analog scetching group now! That doesn’t exclude anything from each other but it’s a good alternative.

For starters we did a classic: The skull! And some random shapes. I think I have to improve on proportions! … and taking pictures apparently.

company lunch scribble round 1

song of the day: The Cinematic Orchestra – All That You Give

This made my day: The good old Cinematic Orchestra.

Somehow I always though that “Slip Into Something More Comfortable” (sadly not on YouTube) is by them.. But it’s obviously “Kinobe” … Hmm ok then this must be another song… hmmm…

Btw: I just also added this to my Secret Agent Playlist on YouYube.
Secret Agent is a simply amazing internet radio channel on the also awesome Soma FM station. Strongly recommended!