Chrome vs. Firefox

Its just that way: I’m a long term Firefox fan boy.
But there has always been reason for that! Its not like I hate Chrome or google. Quite the opposite! I’d love to use Chrome. But it turns out over and over again that Firefox is just more awesome… I mean.. For my use case!

Okay, Here is my 1 on 1. I’ll amend it when I find new stuff:

vimeo bigger video

A little more JavaScripting.. If you go to vimeo. e.g. like this:

you might recognize that the video is quite small and you cannot do something about it (besides fullscreen, and waiting 3,5h for the flash-Esc-fullscreen message to disappear). Now you can!


btw: is a little slow these days. Here is a backup: vimeo_bigger_video.user.js

vimeo bigger video

Nochn kleines bißchen mehr JavaScripterei.. Wenn du mal zu vimeo gehst. So z.B.:

dann müsst du feststellen, dass das Video relativ klein ist und man daran nix ändern kann (ausser Vollbild natürlich und gefühlte 3,5h auf das Ausblenden der flash-Escape-Meldung warten). Kann man jetzt!


btw: is gerade ganz schön lahm manchmal. Hier isn backup bei mir: vimeo_bigger_video.user.js Fotostrecke Anpassen

Der Herr * hatte mal nen schönes Greasemonkey-Script für die Spiegel Online Fotostrecke geschrieben.: Spiegel Online Fotostrecke Anpassen. Das nimmt diese doofe Übersichtsseite (z.B.) aus der Schleife und man kann die Fotos einfach durchklicken und kommt am Anfang wieder an ohne zu denken: ÄHH! WASn JETZT los? SPAM?

Leider geht das nich mehr. Wurde zwar im September erst geupdatet aber offensichtlich wurde da ne Menge auf im Hintergrund umgestellt. Na ich hab mich ma beigemacht das wieder geradezubiegen und habs tatsächlich fast neu geschrieben: Fotostrecke Anpassen

Noch bin ich nen Javascript-n00b. Also der Code sieht vielleicht etwas unelegant aus. Zb. hab ichs nicht auf die Reihe bekommen die “1 VON 15″ Zeichenkette einfach zu spalten weil dort statt normalen ” “-Freizeichen “ ” eingebaut wurde… Aber wie auch immer: Jetzt gehts!

Update: Ich musste nochma ran. Die ham nochmehr von diesen dümmlichen “ ” eingebaut… backup hier: spiegel_online_fotostrec.user.js


For all the Maya scripting grandpas: For when you import files and want to know whats new: There is actually a returnNewNodes-flag at the file command! In former times (<v9) you had to code that all by yourself.. So there definitively wasn’t everything better! There^ you got it!

I just chatted about that with Nathan:

13:02: but when importing.. yea a success statement would be nice
13:02: or an array of imported objects!
13:03: THAT would be good
13:03: now that would be very good!
13:03: 🙂
13:03: 😀
13:03: I had to write a function to do that
13:03: yea me too!

That was actually about me finding a candidate for more Maya stupid-ness: In the file command docs at import they write that it returns the filename. That is you put something into it and it gives you back the same… bollocks.

(it fails somehow as there are lots of other commands that do it similar. But here it doesn’t even work! And there is no way of importing without a given filename. Contrary to creating a control for instance.)


Für die ganzen ollen Maya Scripter: Wenn man Dateien importiert und wissen will was überhaupt reingekommen ist: Es gibt doch tatsächlich nen returnNewNodes-Flag am file command! Früher (<v9) musste man sich sowas alles noch selber coden.. Also war definitiv nicht alles besser! Da^! Den Beweis!

Hab vorhin erst darüber mit Nathan gechattet:

13:02: but when importing.. yea a success statement would be nice
13:02: or an array of imported objects!
13:03: THAT would be good
13:03: now that would be very good!
13:03: 🙂
13:03: 😀
13:03: I had to write a function to do that
13:03: yea me too!

Da gings eigentlich darum, daß ich dachte ich hätte eine lustige Macke von Maya gefunden: In den file-Kommando-Docs steht beim import flag, daß es den filename zurückgibt. Also gibt man einen Namen an den man dann zurückbekommt… fürn Arsch.

(is leider kein guter Kanditat: Es gibt jede Menge commands die das ähnlich machen. Aber: Hier funktionierts nichmal!! Und es gibt keine Möglichkeit zu importieren ohne nen filename anzugeben. Im Gegensatz zum Erstellen von controls.)

scripting me

Yes! A scripting post. I could apologize (via) but I rather don’t ;]

First the most recent stuff! 2 tiny tiny micro nano releases:

You know, creativity comes from when not satisfied with the present. And this time I again was unsatisfied with the game page of minecraft. When playing on a widesceen display this 8xx width is just too tiny and fullscreen is inapropriate either when you cannot focus on the game entirely… (having these blocky graphics on 1920×1080 doesn’t cut it anyway)

So, I started Firebug over again, stretched minecrafts java applet plus the surrounding layout manually. But this time I thought: “Darn someone must have done this before!” And I was right! Now all the snippets on didn’t seem to work for me. I read some of the code and seems I fixed what was missing:

before / after:

Hooray! And as I browsed through the handful actually installed scripts I’ve seen another stub that seemed to not work so far. First was easy, so lets do another round I thought! This time it was a little more complicated. On the center column can only found by a class name. But there are functions for that:

before / after:

So I managed to shed a little more light on my JavaScript insight. I don’t know if the ice is already broken and if there will be more now.. But as I read mr.doob already JS was interesting to me already for long.

On the other hand I made huge progress on the Python side. Maya-toolwise that is so far. But I guess I’m far from releasing something. Not to forget that is out now! That means I maybe tinker around with Qt via Python soon 😀

Before I forget!: There is more scripting news! It’s already a little late but important to say: Autohotkey is now Autohotkey_L. Meaning the main developer chris turned away from it and handed over to the really ambitious guy Lexicos. The L version supports objects, arrays, 64bit support and Unicode! うん!

I don’t know what that means for ac’tivAid so far. I’m still willing to support it however and whenever (more importantly 🙁 ) I can. But could be quite some work to finally port it from basic to L.

Whoops I tagged it MEL too…. hmm what can I say about that? Nothing new.. Work still involves a lot of Maya and so Mel but there is no real progression. Mel is dead already. And thats good that way. I still does a lot of workload but it deserves to rest 🙂